At last it’s out! Yay 😊



Belleza is thrilled to introduce to you the brand new Belleza Mesh Bodies; Isis & Freya. Both of these body types will be included with your Belleza Venus Mesh Body purchases.

Belleza-Freya_Vendor  Belleza-Isis_Vendor

We have just begun the process of sending out the Belleza Venus Mesh Body Update. Please be patient as the updates are sent out, as it will take quite a while for everyone’s to be delivered. Alternatively, you can visit Belleza and click “Redelivery” on the info board to deliver the update as well.

Finally, we’d like to also mention a great new update we’ve added as a feature for the Belleza Mesh body – The Wardrobe HUD!  This great little add on (that comes included with your purchase!) Will allow you to keep a “wardrobe” full of your applier clothing and quickly view/apply them.  Here is what the HUD looks like:


In the previous post we…

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